Saturday, October 26, 2013

Field Trip

I figured I should get in at least one more blog post before November (aka NaBloPoMo) begins :)  Charlotte's preschool took a field trip to Patterson's Fruit Farm and we had a blast!  Maya woke up with a fever the morning of the trip so she stayed home with Michael (and was only upset as long as it took me to explain the movies-on-the-couch part of being sick ;)).  The weather was great ~ warm and sunny!  The kiddos enjoyed jumping in the hay and getting a tour of the apple farm.

Charlotte kept telling me that the farmers were going to let the kids JUMP IN THE HAY!  Do you know how exciting that is???  She could not stop reminding me of this super exciting amazing wonderful thing they would get to do :)

Fresh kettle corn ~ yum!

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