Friday, March 18, 2011

It's 60 Degrees Out... today you get pictures of the girlies playing outside!  We've been thoroughly enjoying our spring weather :)  We've gone to the park three times already, and spent many hours playing outside in our driveway and on the sidewalk (turns out the girls REALLY like riding their tricycle and little car).  I still haven't convinced either one that the back yard is very fun, but we'll get there :)

Also, a side note, I'm ignoring the fact that the forecast is predicting snow this week...lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you...




Michael was in Ontario for 5 days this week, and was greeted with a "really big hug and really big kiss" from Maya :)  Charlotte hasn't let me hold her in his presence since he got home!

1 comment:

picturingtheordinary said...

I agree, ignoring the thought of future snow is a good idea! I love the one of Charlotte scrunching her nose and the last one of Michael holding both girls. That's so funny that Charlotte is such a Daddy's Girl!