Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I'm glad that my New Year's Resolution wasn't to blog more frequently, cause that certainly hasn't happened!  It's also good that "don't get the throw-ups" wasn't on there, cause the whole family was hit last weekend.  And "take more pictures"?  Nope, not on the list.  Though I *do* plan to take more pictures...gonna start on that tomorrow ;)

Actually, my only resolution this year is to run 1,000 miles by December 31st, and so far (2.5 whole weeks into the year!) I'm right on track.  I was already running 4-5 days/week while training for various races last year, so it definitely feels like an achievable goal.  It won't be easy ~ for those who don't like to do math, it's about 19-20 miles/week ~ but I'm excited for the challenge.  A friend and her husband are running 2,013 miles together (so 1,006.5 miles each) so I have a little bit of accountability/competition, which I think is a good thing :)

I don't think I've blogged since Michael switched jobs, so I thought I'd tell my followers ~ Michael switched jobs!  He's now working for OverDrive Media as a programmer, and is loving it.  OverDrive is a digital media distributor that works with schools and libraries.  You know how you can check out an e-book from the library to read on your Kindle?  I'm not sure how exactly, but OverDrive is a big player in that process. Rovisys (his former employer) was amazing and we both miss him working there, but he was ready to move away from the type of work he did there (also as a programmer, but on different types of projects). We both feel extremely blessed that this opportunity arose.

So far 2013 is shaping up to be a good year.  I'm confident that we're not going to get sick anymore (ha!), my house will be spotless and company-ready every day (double ha!), and Michael and I will have a great year with our 3 awesome kiddos (that one's for real :)).

Of course, pictures:

Charlotte at her preschool Gingerbread House Party

Christmas with my dad
Katie with Ms. Annabella

Maya reading the book that she wrote and illustrated all by herself notthatI'mproudoranything

Christmas with my mom

My sister's dog Annabelle, playing the role of Rudolph :)

Christmas at Larry's

Christmas at Penny's

I found these when I uploaded pics...I think Chris and Milo were trying to get a shot together :)

New Year's Eve


I love these two so much.  So. Much.

Are you dying from adorableness?

Maya and Isabella being silly :)
first good snow

Milo wanted to like the snow SO BAD.  But it was up to his waist and he couldn't walk, so he lasted on our deck for about 32 seconds :)

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