Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Weekend In Pictures

Here is what we did this weekend :)

The girls "helped" make gingerbread trifle ~ Maya has the whipped cream beater and Charlotte has the pudding whisk.  They were big helpers, as you can see!

Breakfast time.

Do not adjust your monitor.  I actually caught Chris smiling!

Grandpa and Charlotte watching the Buckeyes destroy Michigan.

Charlotte had her hand in her mouth almost the entire weekend...I'm hoping that means these last 4 teeth are coming all at once and we'll be DONE with teething!

Maya hangin' with Uncle Chris

Notice the beer and the bunny ears.  Classy, Babe :)

Charlotte was fascinated by the crunchy bottle.

In this picture I believe she is trying to feed it to Chris! :)

Grandpa with the two youngest grandchildren (Charlotte and Unai)


You can see Charlotte starting to inch away!

I don't know if you can tell, but that is Charlotte in the picture, not Katie.  I know.

I think Maya would have sat there holding Jacob all day!

Charlotte escaped the group shot!


Maya was the only one who listened when Michael said "stick out your tongue!"

In this picture, you will notice two things ~ Charlotte trying to escape (again!) and Maya sticking her finger in Jacob's mouth.  She thought it was HILARIOUS that he did this at lunch on Friday, and told me probably 100 times that he was pretending her finger was ice cream :)  In this instance, we didn't realize it was going to happen!

The post-finger-in-mouth picture.  Notice Maya's laughter and my embarrassment! 

Mom singing her heart out in a trio at church (go Mom!!! :))

Charlotte being cute after church

Maya and Grandma.  Maya is wearing her amazing new hat.  I kinda want one :P

Charlotte and Grandma.  Charlotte is trying to figure out how to get the hood off ~ she kept saying "help!" :)

Charlotte, once again, trying to escape :)

1 comment:

picturingtheordinary said...

The first picture of the girls made me laugh! I'm glad you caught Chris smiling; I love the picture of Katie holding Maya--so sweet; and Jacob has the best facial expressions ever!